Association of Gender, Peace and SecurityThe Vision: Equality, Integration and Peace
The Mission of AGSP is:
Economic empowerment of young people and women by increasing their capacities through various vocational courses towards building their own business.
Our expertise
The Association of Gender, Peace and Security provides its expertise in the following areas:
Advocacy and lobbying for the improvement of the legal, institutional and political framework regarding women's rights in Albania, as well as encouraging government authorities to ensure the protection and promotion of women's rights at the national level.
Capacity building of professionals and training in providing protective, social, functional and qualitative mechanisms for victims of domestic violence.
Direct support services for vulnerable women, including the following:
Psychosocial services for marginalized groups of women such as divorced women, widows, victims of domestic violence, as well as unemployed women.
Psychological services: psychological counseling, psychological assistance, psychological expertise in court for the benefit of the protection order as well as psychological assessments for child custody. Psychological counseling is provided once a month at the administrative units. These services are provided by clinical psychologists.
Legal services - legal counseling and assistance for women living in very difficult economic conditions and preceding litigation, such as: ordering protection in domestic violence cases and divorce proceedings. These services are provided by lawyers.
Project Design, Strategy Development Implementation and Monitoring Plans: In her 20 years of experience, AGPS has provided her expertise in designing various projects and implementing and monitoring plans including gender equality plans and local and national action plans. The association also offers its expertise in drafting various strategies, such as the Coalition Strategy for Women, Security, Peace and the Inter-Institutional Action Plan for Resolution 1325.